Research and Education Centers
Aarhus University
Department of Dentistry
Section for Prosthetic Dentistry
University of Copenhagen School of Dentistry «Department of Oral Rehabilitation»
University of Helsinki Institute of Dentistry «Prosthetic Dentistry»
University of Oulo Institute of Dentistry «Department of Prosthetic Dentistry»
University of Turku
Institute of Dentistry
Prosthetic Dentistry and Biomat
University of Bergen Faculty of Dentistry «Protetikk»
University of Oslo Faculty of Dentistry «Prosthetic Dentistry and Oral Function»
Göteborg University Institute of Odontology «Prosthetic Dentistry»
Malmö University Faculty of Odontology «Prosthetic Denstistry
Karolinska Institutet Institute of Odontology «Prosthetic Dentistry»
Umeå University Department of Odontology «Prosthetic Dentistry»
Postgraduate Dental Education Center, Örebro «Prosthodontics»
Dental and Maxillofacial Unit in Halmstad
Prosthodontic and Stomatog. Phys.
The Institute for Postgraduate Dental Education, Departm. of Prosthetic Dentistry, Jönköping