Malmö 17th of June
Dear member of the SSPD,
Due to the pandemic in the world right now the meeting in Oslo is unfortunately cancelled.
The general assembly will be held on Zoom Friday the 20 th of August at 13.00 Central European time. A link will be send to all members in the middle of August.
We are delighted to inform you about our next year upcoming SSPD meeting in Århus in 2022. Visit our website for more information in the beginning of 2022.
It is also time for paying the membership fee directly to the SSPD account (, and that is as previous years 350 NOK. If you have residents or colleagues who wants to be members, please inform them to visit the website for more information about applying for a member.
If you have a new email address or if you know that a colleague of yours has changed email address, please let the secretary Camilla know (
The agenda for the general assembly is posted below.
We look forward to seeing you online in August and in real life in Århus 2022!
Best regards,
Per Vult von Steyern, Anders Falk and Camilla Ahlgren
Tid: Fredag, 20. Augusti 2021 kl. 13.00-14.30
Sted: Virtuellt, inbjudan till Zoom skickas ut till alla medlemmar
1. Generalforsamlingen åbnes
2. Valg af dirigent (mødeleder)
3. Godkendelse af mødets indkaldelse
4. Dagsorden fastlægges
5. Virksomhedsberetning
6. Økonomisk beretning
7. Beretning fra Undervisningskomiteen
8. Revision af vedtægter (stadgar)
9. Fastlæggelse af medlemsafgift 2022
10. Budget for 2022
11. Fastlæggelse af årsmødet 2022, tid og sted
12. Valg af mødesekretær 2022
13. Forslag til årsmøde 2023 og 2024
14. Valg av revisorer
15. Indkomne forslag och information
16. Eventuelt
17. Mødet afsluttes
Lund, 17 Juni 2021
Camilla Ahlgren
Per Vult von Steyern